Al-Rabaei inspects production activities of 31 types of local fertilizers and pesticides

The Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources Minister Dr. Radwan Al-Rabaei was briefed on the production activities of 31 types of local fertilizers and pesticides under the supervision of the local fertilizer and pesticide services unit of the General Organization for Agricultural Services.

During his visit to the local natural fertilizers and pesticides production plant, Minister Al-Rabaei listened to an explanation of the mechanism and methods of manufacturing and producing safe pesticides and organic fertilizers, explaining that these locally-made pesticides and their safe compounds are produced from plant origin and can be used in combating plant pests.

Al-Rabaei pointed out that the unit was able to produce 19 types of fertilizers and organic fertilizers and 12 safe natural pesticides, as an alternative to harmful and imported chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

He called on farmers to make use of local fertilizers as they are made from natural organic materials and have an effective effect.

rce: Yemen News Agency