A speech event was held on Wednesday in Jabal Al-Mahwit district to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad’s birth anniversary, may Allah bless him and his family with the best prayers and peace.
At the event, the directorate director , Khamas Hobeish, explained that celebrating this great occasion expresses pride, and close ties to the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, and makes us one of those who are victorious for the religion of God and his honorable messenger.
He pointed out that Yemenis were the first to support Allah Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family, and the first to stand with him, jihad and martyrdom under the banner of Islam.
Hobeish said that Yemenis were the first to support the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), and the first to stand with him, strive with him, and martyred under the banner of Islam.
Source: Yemen News Agency