Health Ministry mourns former Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmed Al-Asbahi

The Ministry of Public Health and Population mourned the death of Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Al-Asbahi, the former Minister of Health, who died today in Sana’a after a life full of giving in serving the country.

In an obituary statement, the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) received a copy of it, the Ministry of Health noted the virtues of the deceased, his humanitarian role in the medical field and alleviating the suffering of patients, as well as his role in establishing school health.

The statement also noted the contribution of the deceased Al-Asbahi to the advancement of medical services through his practical life, which he started as editor-in-chief of the health Magazine and director of school health, in addition to being a doctor who worked in his early days to serve citizens and head of the Council of the Arab Doctors Union, then a lecturer at the Faculty of Education – Sana’a University, then a president. to the university, and then minister of public health, in addition to holding the position of minister for a number of ministries.

The statement of the Ministry of Health expressed sincere condolences and sympathy to the family of the deceased and his relatives, and all of Al-Asbahi’s family, for this affliction, asking the Lord Almighty to cover him with the abundance of his mercy and forgiveness, dwell him in his spacious gardens, and inspire his family and relatives’ patience and solace.

Source: Yemen News Agency