Armed forces target two American warship destroyers in Red Sea

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful Allah Almighty said: (Permission is given to those who fight because they have been wronged, and indeed, Allah is Able to grant them victory) Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.

In truimph to the opperesed Palestinian people and within tge response to the American-British aggression against our country.

The Naval forces, Missile forces, and airforces of the Yemeni armed forces, with the help of Allah Almighty, carried out a qualitative military operation in which they targeted two American warship destroyers in the Red Sea. The operation was carried out with a number of naval missiles and drones.

The Yemeni armed forces will not hesitate to expand their operations against all hostile targets in response to the calls of the free people of our great people and our Islamic nation to provide support and assistance to the Palestinians, who until this moment are being subjected to aggression and siege.

The operations of the Yemeni armed forces will not
stop until the aggression stops and the siege imposed on the Palestinians in Gaza Strip is lifted.

Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, the best protector, and the best helper

Long live Yemen, free, beloved and independent.

Victory belongs to Yemen and to all the free people of the nation

Sana’a 24 Shaban 1445 AH

Corresponding to March 5, 2024 AD

Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces.

Source: Yemen News Agency

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